Ko Takitimu te wakaKo Moumoukai te maungaKo Nuhaka te awaKo Kahungunu ki Nuhaka te maraeKo Ngāti Kahungunu te IwiKo Rākaipaaka te hapūKo Layla Ririnui ahau.
Rose Hellaby Scholarship
2017 has been my first year of high school and I expected it to be hard because you had to go to different classes for different subjects and have different teachers. But I’ve realised it’s not hard for me; just challenging. I am used to going to different classes now and the teachers have helped me settle in and make sure I understand what we’re learning. The Rose Hellaby Scholarship helps me do my best in every aspect of school, as I didn’t have to worry about paying for my uniform and school fees as much. Now I can save for a school trip to Japan in 2019, as Japanese is one of my favourite subjects. My goal is to one day be a surgeon and I know with the support of my whanau and organisations like the Māori Education Trust I can. I always tell my friends about the Māori Education Trust, as I think they might benefit from it like I did. I help my friends in class with their schoolwork because I want them to achieve. My whanau is very proud of my aspirations and accomplishments. They show me this by telling me they are proud and being very supportive. Having a good education and good future is what drives me to succeed and I want my friends to as well.
Ko Takitimu te wakaKo Moumoukai te maungaKo Nuhaka te awaKo Kahungunu ki Nuhaka te maraeKo Ngāti Kahungunu te IwiKo Rākaipaaka te hapūKo Layla Ririnui ahau. 2017 has been my first year of high school and I expected it to be hard because you had to go to different classes for different subjects and have different teachers. But I’ve realised it’s not hard for me; just challenging. I am used to going to different classes now and the teachers have helped me settle in and make sure I understand what we’re learning. The Rose Hellaby Scholarship helps me do my best in every aspect of school, as I didn’t have to worry about paying for my uniform and school fees as much. Now I can save for a school trip to Japan in 2019, as Japanese is one of my favourite subjects. My goal is to one day be a surgeon and I know with the support of my whanau and organisations like the Māori Education Trust I can. I always tell my friends about the Māori Education Trust, as I think they might benefit from it like I did. I help my friends in class with their schoolwork because I want them to achieve. My whanau is very proud of my aspirations and accomplishments. They show me this by telling me they are proud and being very supportive. Having a good education and good future is what drives me to succeed and I want my friends to as well.