Rangatira E Trust

The Rangatira E Trust was established in 1982 under section 438 of the Māori Affairs Act 1953 and is run today as an Ahu Whenua Trust under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993

The first meeting of owners of the trust was in October of 1982 and included representatives from the Department of Māori Affairs, Lands & Survey Dept., and the Māori Land Board - who attended that meeting and gave their final reports on their administration of the farm. The new trustees inherited a debt of $154,281 and in their first year made a profit of $66,655. The Trust lands now comprise 994 hectares and are located at Acacia Bay on the western shores of Lake Taupo, in the central North Island. These hectares are divided into many different businesses, mostly focused on sheep and beef but also include forestry, deer, horse trekking and bush conservation efforts. This Māori Land Block is administered by Deloitte Accounting Firm, Rotorua.

Deloitte's Website
For more information on the trust and to apply for the Rangatira E scholarship(s), visit the Deloittes website.