Paehinahina Mourea Trust

The Paehinahina Mourea Trust was established in 1972 under section 438 of the Māori Affairs Act 1953

It continues as an Ahu Whenua Trust under Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. The Trust lands are located 12 km to the northeast of Rotorua city. The land is owned by two hapu of Ngāti Pikiao - Ngāti Te Takinga and Ngāti Hinekura. Over time the land has been known by several different titles: Taheke Papakainga, Mourea Papakainga, Tikitere Development Block and Paehinahina Mourea. This Māori Land Block is administered by Deloitte Accounting Firm, Rotorua.

Deloitte's Website
For more information regarding Paehinahina Mourea Trust and to apply for their scholarship(s), visit the Deloittes website.