Our Board

Bayden hails from Waimārama in Hawke’s Bay and is deeply connected to his Ngāti Kahungunu iwi and acknowledges his Ngāpuhi and Ngāi Tahu roots. A seasoned leader, he has a history of governance, serving on various boards, including a six-year tenure as a Hastings District Councillor, a director at Beef and Lamb NZ, and as a commissioner for Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori. He holds the chair position at Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated, guiding his iwi with a strong vision.


A graduate of the University of Waikato with a Bachelor of Management Studies, Bayden’s academic journey was supported by a Manaaki Tauira grant from the Māori Education Trust. His dedication to Te Reo Māori led him to graduate from Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo and become a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors.


Since 2015, Bayden has represented the New Zealand Māori Council on the Māori Education Trust Board, where he chairs the Scholarship Committee. He is passionately committed to the educational success of Māori youth and is instrumental in expanding scholarship opportunities through strategic partnerships with governmental bodies, iwi, education institutions, and Māori organisations. Bayden embodies the proverb “Whāia te iti kahurangi”, striving for excellence and inspiring others to reach great heights. Bayden assumed the chair’s role of the Māori Education Trust in July 2023.

Dame Iritana Tawhiwhirangi is a respected figure in Aotearoa, renowned for advocating Māori language education and her pivotal role in the Kōhanga Reo movement. Dame Iritana represents the National Kōhanga Reo Trust on the Board, where she is celebrated for her long term involvement and her guidance, which has been vital to the trust’s success.


The Kōhanga Reo movement itself is recognised for its ground-breaking work in indigenous education and language revitalisation, providing a model that has been emulated by indigenous cultures worldwide.


Her dedication to Māori education has been recognised through various honours. She received the New Zealand 1990 Commemoration Medal and was appointed a Member of the Order of he British Empire in the 1992 New Year Honours. Additionally, she received the New Zealand Suffrage Centennial Medal in 1993 and was appointed a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2001. Her contributions were acknowledged when she was promoted to Dame Companion in the 2009 Queen’s Birthday Honours.


E kore te puna mihi e mimiti mōu e te kōkā kahurangi. He kura tangata e kore e rokohanga. you are our indefinable treasure.

Ira brings over two decades of expertise in accounting to her role as a Board member of the Māori Education Trust. Her extensive background includes a tenure as an Associate Partner at Findex NZ Ltd., an international firm known for its proficiency in Accounting and Audit.


In 2023, she established Kākano Advisory, where she is a co-director of the firm based in Wellington and Auckland, a division of McQueen and Associated Ltd, an Accounting, Tax, and Advisory practice. Ira Leverage’s her deep understanding of accounting and tax compliance to deliver advisory services to diverse clientele, including individuals, small to medium enterprises, and Trusts. Dedicated to fostering the growth of Māori business, Ira combines her professional insight with a culturally informed approach to support and guide Māori entrepreneurs.


Her commitment extends beyond her directorial duties at the Māori Education Trust as she holds trusteeship roles with the Interim Māori Spectrum Trust and the Anglican Insurance Board. Ira also contributes to the financial oversight and governance of the New Zealand Māori Council as an Audit and Risk Committee member. Ira was recently appointed Deputy Chair of the Māori Education Trust.

Dr. Mere Skerrett serves as the Area Representative for the Te Waipounamu Māori Women’s Welfare League and represents the League’s interests in education and health with the Māori Education Trust. She hold the position of Co-Head of School and Associate Professor in Te Puna Akopai, the School of Education at Victoria University of Wellington.


With an extensive career dedicated to advocacy and teaching in primary, early childhood education, and teacher education, Dr. Skerrett focuses on critical literacy, critical race theory, colonialism, the indigenisation of academia, and the revitalisation of Indigenous languages. She is a Te Panekiretanga o te Reo Māori graduate and hold expertise in tikanga. Her moko kauae represents her commitment to normalising the speaking of te Reo Māori.

Te Wehi Wright is a Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori o Aotearoa graduate and represents their interests on our Board. As a first-language speaker of te Reo Māori, Te Wehi was deeply rooted in te reo and tikanga education from an early age, having attended total immersion schooling until age 16. Te Wehi is a rising advocate for Māori development with a conjoint Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts in Māori Studies and Māori Resource Management from Victoria University of Wellington.


As a Senior Consultant for the Māori consultancy firm Te Amokura, Te Wehi works with organisation to measure and increase their cultural capital in various sectors, be it education, social or economic, reflecting his commitment to giving back to Te Ao Māori. He also have project management experience and has worked in strategy design, innovation, and engagement and policy.

Chauncy started his career as a graduate at the Māori Development Corporation (MDC) before being seconded to the Bank of New Zealand’s financial markets division in Wellington. Following eight years in Wellington, Chauncy was transferred to National Australia Bank (Nab) London branch to establish the trading and price-making of New Zealand and Australian fixed income and derivatives to European and North American customers. Chauncy eventually transferred to Sydney where he was responsible for much of Nab’s trading activity across complex derivatives and foreign exchange.


Today Chauncy splits his time between New Zealand and Australia where he provides financial consulting to some of the leading financial services organisations of both jurisdictions.


Chauncy has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Auckland and an Executive MBA from London Business School. Chauncy is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Corporate Directors (GAICD).