Kapenga M Trust

The Kapenga M Trust was established in 1983 after shareholders took back control of the trust's assets from the Department of Māori Affairs

The Trust is owned by Tūhourangi and their kaupapa was previously centred on developing an agricultural foundation and providing a food source for their iwi, until its shift to focussing on the treaty settlement for their rohe and supporting their iwi members. The Trust whenua is located in the Tarawera region, and they are kaitiaki of Tarawera Maunga, Lake Tarawera, Lake Rotomahana and more. This Māori Land Block is administered by Deloitte Accounting Firm, Rotorua.

Trust Website
For more information on the trust’s history and operations, visit their website.

Deloitte's Website
For more information on the trust and to apply for the Kapenga M Trust scholarship(s), visit the Deloittes website.