Tautara Matawhaura Trust

This Māori Land Block is administered by Deloitte Accounting Firm, Rotorua

The Tautara Matawhaura Trust was established under S438 of the Māori Affairs Act. It continues today, as an Ahu Whenua Trust under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. The block which is also sometimes named Matawhaura 3, contains the Trust Land comprising of some 3618 ha. It is located at the western end of Lake Rotoehu. These lands are used for a multitude of business operations including sheep and beef farming, and eucalyptus and pine forests.

Deloitte's Website
For more information on the trust and to apply for the Tautara Matawharu Land Trust’s scholarship(s), visit the Deloittes website.