Ōtaki and Porirua Trusts Board
Ōtaki and Porirua Trusts Board is a land-based asset management and education/scholarship management group for the beneficiaries of Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāti Toarangatira or Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai. The Ōtaki & Porirua Trusts Board manages almost 500 hectares of land in Ōtaki and Manakau.
For more information on the iwi history and registration, visit their website here.
Ōtaki Porirua Trusts Board Scholarships are open to secondary tauira who whakapapa to all or one of the Iwi: Raukawa ki te Tonga, Ngāti Toarangatira or Te Ati Awa ki Whakarongotai.
Ōtaki and Porirua Trusts Board Scholarships
Secondary applications must be received by
Friday, 31 Poutū-te-rangi (March), 2025.
Details of the scholarships can be found on our main Scholarship Information page under the heading: Secondary, along with the other scholarships that we have on offer for 2025.