Ngā Rauru KītahiIwi Scholarships



Ngā Rauru Kītahi Iwi

Kia rangatira te tuu a Te Kaahui o Rauruhei roopu whakatinana i ngaa rau wawatao te iwi Maaori, o te motu hoki

Te Kaahui o Rauru is committed to the revitalisation of Ngaa Raurutanga.  This is their taahuuhuu koorero.  They are mindful that their Hauoratanga (social, economic and environmental) development  must assist in this revitalization in order to ensure their endurance as Ngaa Rauru whilst guaranteeing that our uri enjoy good health, a quality lifestyle and are able to contribute to a global society with their Ngaa Raurutanga intact.

For more information on the Iwi visit this link: here. If you Whakapapa to Ngā Rauru Kītahi, to be eligible for these scholarships make sure to register at that same link.

The Ngā Rauru Kītahi Iwi scholarships are open to those who whakapapa to a hapū or marae of the Ngā Rauru Rohe and are registered to the Ngā Rauru Kītahi Iwi.
These are open to those at Undergraduate, and Postgraduate study levels.


Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Tertiary Scholarship




Undergraduate applications must be received by

Friday, 31 Haratua (May), 2024 by 4:00pm.


Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Tertiary Scholarship




Postgraduate applications must be received by

Tuesday, 30 Paengawhāwhā (April), 2024 by 4:00pm.

Details of the scholarships can be found on our main Scholarship Information page under each of the headings: Secondary, Undergraduate, and Postgraduate, along with the other scholarships that we have on offer for 2024.

Scholarship Information